Am I Going Into Labour?
Signs to Watch Out For

Bringing a little one into the world is an exhilarating, magical & transformative experience. As your due date draws near, you might find yourself continuously questioning, “Am I going into labour?” The anticipation & uncertainty can be overwhelming for expectant moms, especially for first-time Moms. Our blog sheds light on the signs of labour, helping you navigate through the maze of physical and emotional changes that accompany the imminent arrival of your new life!

labour signs

So many women tell us, “I googled this symptom but it might be a sign or maybe not.. its so hard to know”. This is because as every woman is different so is every birth but here are some signs of labour:

  • Strong, frequent contractions
  • Bloody show
  • Belly and lower back pain
  • Water breaking – dont expect this to be like the movies , it may not be the first thing that happens infact it may not happen till the very end or not at all.
  • Cervix begins to dilate – you can actually check this yourself if you’d like to, As Tracey Donegan writes :
  • Cramps and increased back pain
  • Loose-feeling joint
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue and the nesting instinct
  • Insomnia
  • Hot flashes or night sweats
  • Urge to poop 
  • Pelvic pressure  
  • Nausea
  • Bloody show (losing your mucus plug)

If you are still unsure if you are currently in labour, there are a few other signs that may indicate active labour. The other ways to tell labour is progressing without Vaginal Exams are the following:

  • The red/purple line method – a reddish or purplish line can appear in the natal cleft ( line between cheeks ( butt) as the cervix dilates 
  • Noise – as we move closer to meeting baby the noise a birth woman will make may become more animalistic or guttural
  • Rhombus michaelis – the sacral area of the back becomes protruding during labour 
  • I’m giving up feeling – many women no matter the environment , like a marathon runner feels they hit a brick wall and have a i cant do it any more feeling.
  • Anal pouting (the rectum looks like it’s trying to air kiss). This is one of the best way to know you are in fact fully dilated.
Now that you are aware of the most common signs of labour, it is important to note that each pregnancy and labour is unique. This means that although the labour signs discussed in this blog are common – your signs may be different. If you are totally unsure if you are currently in labour we always recommend contacting your local health care provider for personalised guidance. Here at Wild Mountain Mother, we offer a range of pregnancy related products & services. We are a team of caring women who work for women. Get in touch today to discuss how we can help you during your pregnancy and labour.

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